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Black Garlic by Bar Tartine

Nicolaus Balla & Cortney Burns


  • Heads of garlic


  • Hold the whole, unpeeled garlic heads at a constant temperature of 130 degrees F for 2 to 3 weeks until the garlic is soft and black as tar.
  • Store the blackened garlic in an airtight container at room temperature for a month, or in the refrigerator for 3-6 months.
  • Optionally, dry the black garlic by peeling the cloves, then slicing thinly. Dehydrate at 125 deg F until brittle, about 12 hours. Grind the dried slices into coarse flakes, then return to the dehydrator for another 8-12 hours - you want the flakes to powder without clumping when ground.
  • Store black garlic powder in an airtight container in a cool, dark spot.


I tried it with both peeled cloves and whole heads. I sealed them in canning jars, so they would retain their moisture, and to keep the smell down in the house. The jars went into my slow-cooker, with water surrounding them. Over 8 weeks, every day I set the slow cooker to the Warm setting, and let it run for 8 hours. The temperature got up over 160, and then, of course, down to zero when the unit was off long enough. It was pretty tough on my slow-cooker, not to mention not being able to use it for the duration. Plus the electricity used is something to think about. My All-Clad slow cooker used 35.22 KWH, which even at our highest rate equates to only $12.
Other ways they suggest to "cook" the garlic is a food dehydrator or a rice warmer, but if using the dehydrator, make sure to securely wrap the head in plastic wrap then foil to keep them from drying out.
Adapted from Bar Tartine Techniques & Recipes