The Plant Lady

How to Grow Borage

Borage is considered an herb, although there are some cultures that eat their leaves like lettuce.  I think they must have to rub off the hairs before eating the leaves, though, unless the younger leaves are less hairy. The flower petals are also edible. They are reported to taste like a crisp cucumber, but I wasn’t really able to taste anything… They are a beautiful blue color, and regardless of how they taste, they make a typical salad into a centerpiece. They also can be added to drinks or frozen in ice cubes. Or, like other edible flowers, candy them for decorations on cakes, pastries or other desserts. One source did state that if eaten in large quantities it can have a diuretic effect.

Botanical Information


Borago officinalis


Physical Description

Borage is an annual that grows to about 2-3 feet tall, and has hairy leaves & stems (ouch!) The flowers are beautiful, though. Blue-purple flowers are star-shaped and many of them come out of a central stalk, hanging down like falling stars. The stems that the flowers hang from are part of the beauty – they are burgundy-red with hairs that catch the light. They start flowering around mid-summer.

Varieties & Cultivars

Categories or Types of Borage

Colors Available

Varieties to Grow

Growth Requirements

Climate & Temperature Requirements

Air Temperature

Soil Temperature


Day Length or Light Requirements

Borage likes full sun.

Site Conditions Favored

Soil Requirements

Soil Texture

Borage likes light, rich, well-aerated soil.


Nutrient Requirements


Methods of propagation



Not an option


Never tried growing borage from cuttings – probably would work, but the seeds are so plentiful & quick to germinate I wouldn’t bother. As a matter of a fact, last year I believe several stems that were laying in the soil rooted themselves into the soil, so I know cuttings would work.

Transplanting or Potting Up

Seed Saving

Planting Out

Bed Prep & Soil Amendments

Bed Spacing

Planting Depth

Alternative Bed Methods

Container Gardening

Borage can be grown indoors: put them in a sunny (south) window, with plenty of water and lots of root space. Remember that they get pretty tall (2-3 feet).

Routine Cultivation & Maintenance

Water Requirements

Fertilization Recommendations

Mulching & Weeding

Pinching or Pruning & Dividing



Companion Planting

Helpful Companions

Harmful Companions

Companion to..

Pests, Diseases & Problems

Common Pests

Common Diseases


Whole Plant






Harvesting & Storage

Edible Parts of the Plant


Days to Harvest / Harvest Timing

Borage is flowering from about midsummer until fall, so all through this time you can harvest the flowers.

The leaves can be harvested from spring through winter, until the frost kills it back.

Harvest Methods

Borage Flowers

Storage of harvest


Store Borage flowers until you are going to use them, between layers of damp paper towels in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. They will wilt unless kept air-tight with some moisture.


Can’t think of why I’d try to can them…


Borage flowers are a beautiful addition to ice cubes. Think of adding them to ice bowls or pitchers for a party.


Haven’t tried adding them to pickles, but they might look nice if the vinegar solution is crystal clear, water-white. With their cucumber-like flavor, they may be a good addition.


Borage flowers do not dry well.


Nutritional Benefits & Values


Although not toxic, per se, if eaten in large quantities, borage can have a diuretic effect.



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Information for this article was taken from these sources. (link to …/category/resources/tag/[plantname])

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