The Plant Lady

Black Krim Tomato

Black Krim

Black Krim



Sources: (where to buy)

Results from My Garden:

2011: 2 plants started from seed (Seed Saver’s Exchange)

2012: started 4 plants from seed, but one died, probably from an injury to the stem at planting; some kind of wilt showed up in September…probably not verticillium or fusarium; lots of green tomatoes were on the vine when it was time to pull the plants, which didn’t get recorded, so the actual yield was much higher than below

2013: purchased 2 seedlings from Natural Gardening Co., but one showed wilting before planting out. Thought it was a wilt disease, so I didn’t plant it. The one that survived only produced a small amount of tomatoes due to root-knot nematodes. Didn’t know I had these nematodes until I was pulling out the plants. Severe infestation. Symptoms were similar to one of the wilts, without the unilateral wilting of fusarium or verticillium. The seedling that died probably also had root-knot nematode. Bought 2 replacement seedlings from the nursery, but they were planted too late (7/13/13) to produce much. One of them was infected with something new to me. The stem turned dark and crackles formed. The top growth looked good, but the lower growth was all wilted. When I cut it back, just a few nodes above the ground, the stem looked hollow. The one I cut back almost to the ground in late August rallied and would have produced some tomatoes if the season were longer. New growth looked healthy and was flowering, but the stem had turned dark on one side, with some wilting on that side.

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