Category Archives: Varieties to Grow

Sugar Snap Pea

Details Open-Pollinated: ? Type: snap pea Color: green Maturity: 50-70 days Size: pods: 2-3″ long, 1/2″ across tall vines Yield: yields well in both hot and cold weather long picking period Taste: sweet & crunchy good for freezing and canning Disease Resistance or Environmental Tolerance: does well in both hot & cold weather Notes: Sources: […]

Mammoth Melting Pea

Details Open-Pollinated: ? Type: snap pea pods used like snow pea pods Shape: thick, stringless, flat Color: green pods enclose creamy-white peas Maturity: 62-75 days (early) Size: 4-5″ pods 4-5′ plant Yield: high-yielding Taste: excellent in stir-fries, steamed, freezing, or eating fresh Disease Resistance or Environmental Tolerance: wilt resistant Notes: white blossoms can also be […]