Category Archives: Pests

Root-Knot Nematode

Severe root-knot nematode infection of cucumber

Ambiguous symptoms like wilting and failure to thrive are the most common symptoms of a root-knot nematode infestation. The only way to determine if this is the problem is to inspect the roots for galls or nodes. A number of other nematode species also can damage home garden and landscape plants including the ring nematode […]


Close up of leafhopper damage on potato leaf

Leafhoppers seem to be the bain of my existence…well, not really – but they sure complicate my veggie gardening. They would only be mildly annoying, if it weren’t for the diseases they spread. Physical Description very small insects, ranging from 1/12 – 1/8 inches long (2-3 mm). They are wedge-shaped, with narrow bodies that are […]

Pepper Weevils

Anthonomus eugenii Image search from Google common pest in southern California, but often migrates up to areas with warm winters Adult is a small beetle (1/8″ long) with a dark body that looks brassy Larvae are off-white grubs with a brown head, 1/4″ at maturity Adult females lay their eggs in holes created in pepper […]