Author Archives: ThePlantLady
Garlic Scapes in Oil
Good way to cook them for preserving them in the freezer.
Green Garlic Cream Sauce
“Heavenly sauce for grilled seafood, poultry, or vegetables” Amounts depend on your use, but feel free to make too much – it’s a good condiment to have on hand for leftovers.
How to Grow Anise Hyssop
Not really in the hyssop family, nor in the anise family 🙂 Botanical Information Taxonomy Agastache foeniculum Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family) History Native North American mint-like herb Physical Description Flavor: anise Varieties & Cultivars Categories or Types Colors Available Varieties Growth Requirements Climate & Temperature Requirements Air Temperature Soil Temperature Humidity Day Length or Light […]
The Drunken Botanist
Author: Stewart, Amy Copyright: 2013 Publisher: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill Buy from Amazon:
Growing Mustard as a Cover Crop
Mustards and other brassicas have a nematode-suppressant quality when they decompose, so I am trying them as a cover crop treatment to suppress (or eradicate) root knot nematode. Variety: Agricultural Mustard Brassica sp. Supplier: Bountiful Gardens From the supplier: suppresses weeds, nematodes, and soil diseases, cycles nutrients, increases tilth. Also high protein forage (and my chickens […]
Sparky French Marigold

Details Tagetes patula Open-Pollinated Type: french marigold Color: reds, oranges & yellows Germination: 5-7 days Maturity: 60 days Size: 6-12″ Taste: flower is edible, but haven’t tasted it; probably a little bitter Disease Resistance or Environmental Tolerance: ? Notes: Sources: Bountiful Gardens
Lemon Gem Signet Marigold

Details Tagetes tenuifolia or signata Open-Pollinated Type: signet Shape: flowers are tiny; leaves are lacy Color: yellow flowers, green leaves Germination: 4-7 days Maturity: 60 days Size: dwarf – 6-24″ Yield: many flowers, long-blooming Taste: leaves: citrus-scented leaves are flavorful salad greens flowers: floral with hints of citrus and spice, slightly bitter (remove the base […]
Herbs Packed in Oil
These herbs packed in oil can be used in salad dressings, to season vegetables and grains, and to spread (in very small quantities) on bread.
Pistou (Basil-Garlic Puree)
Pistou is the Provencal version of the more familiar Italian pesto, which usually includes pine nuts.