
Fusarium Wilt

Fusarium is a soil-borne fungus that can survive for a decade or more in dormant stages. It enters the plant through roots and invades its water distribution network, where the fungi partially or completely block the vascular tissues, usually by gum-like formations, causing wilting and eventually death of the plant. General Description Widespread fungus that affects a wide […]

Grafting Tomatoes

Rootstock & scion ready for grafting

Last year I trialed several grafted tomato varieties next to their non-grafted plants. The grafted plants were definitely the winner, as they didn’t show any symptoms of any of the wilts (fusarium, verticillium, bacterial) that hit the non-grafted tomatoes. They also didn’t get hit with Curly Top Virus, although their neighbors did. The production was […]

White Mold of Tomato & Pepper Plants

Quick Intro Physical Description Fungal wilt disease that starts as water-soaked spots on stems, then white moldy growth appears on the stems and then the branches wilt Species & Taxonomy Kingdom: Phylum: Class: Order: Family: Genus Species: Lifecycle   Plants Affected peppers tomatoes Plants Unaffected   Geographical Range   Signs & Symptoms Whole Plant water-soaked […]

Soft Rot

Quick Intro Physical Description Bacterial disease of the fruit or tubers of a vegetable, characterized by watery and soft decay of the tissue. Species & Taxonomy Kingdom: Phylum: Class: Order: Family: Genus Species: caused by several types of bacteria, but most commonly: Erwinia Pectobacterium Pseudomonas Lifecycle These pathogenic bacteria can grow at a wide range […]

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew on Lavender Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa)

Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease that effects many types of plants, and is fairly easy to manage. It causes poor growth and lower yields, but seldom kills the plant. There are many different species of powdery mildew that cause the disease on many different species of plants. See list of species and their […]

Tobacco Mosaic Virus

Quick Intro Species & Taxonomy Kingdom: Phylum: Class: Order: Family: Genus Species: Lifecycle   Plants Affected   Plants Unaffected   Geographical Range   Signs & Symptoms Whole Plant stunted plants twisted growth Leaves yellow mottling of leaves Flowers Fruit Roots/Tubers How to Positively Identify Treatment Prevention & Control   Cultural Controls: Habitat: Temperature & Humidity: […]

Early Blight

Also known as Alternaria Blight. Physical Description Early blight begins as light-colored spots on leaves, eventually leading to the leaves dying and falling off. Google Images Species & Taxonomy Kingdom: Phylum: Class: Order: Family: Genus Species: Alternaria solani Lifecycle   Plants Affected tomatoes potatoes peppers (not a serious problem in peppers, but if it appears, […]

Blossom End Rot

Blossom end rot in San Marzano paste tomatoes

Google Images of Blossom End Rot Physical Description Brown or tan spots on the blossom end of tomatoes or on the underside of peppers. Blossom end rot results from calcium availability problems when the fruit is forming. Calcium availability is affected by irrigation levels (both too much water, and too little water), as well as […]

Bacterial Wilt (Nightshades)

Sudden wilting is caused by various reasons, Bacterial Wilt being one of them. Bacterial wilt is caused by different pathogens, depending on whether you are dealing with nightshades (pepper, tomato, potato, eggplant, tomatillos) or cucurbits (cucumber, melons, squash). In tobacco, it is known as Granville Wilt. Since there are various reasons for a plant to […]